Breastfeeding Information and Help

Contact Murray La Leche League Leaders
Please Provide Your Phone Contact in emails

Emails returned within 48 hours, house calls are available where necessary
For other areas in Utah call (801) 246-LOVE (5683)

Who should visit LLL meetings?

La Leche League Series Meetings are open to all interested women (pregnant, nursing and otherwise). Series meetings tend to focus on nursing during the first year. Moms nursing children of any age are always welcome and encouraged to come share triumphs and trials, enjoy mother-to-mother support, gather information and form relationships with other nursing moms. Additionaly, Sandy & SLC groups have meetings available for those looking for further information and those nursing beyond the first year.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Additional Area Meetings

Enrichment Meetings
At this time, members are encouraged to attend Enrichment Meetings offered by the following groups LLL of Sandy, 2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S.), Sandy, UT. (NE corner of Highland Drive and Newcastle Drive)held the fourth Tuesday of the first three months of our series at 10:00am at Community of Grace Presbyterian Church. Offered to LLL members, Enrichment Meetings are often based on books from the lending library. Please see Sandy website for list of upcoming Enrichment Topics
Extended Nursing
LLL of Salt Lake City, 2131 S. 1100 E. Salt Lake City, UT. Held the second Thursday of each month, 10:15am at the Sprague Public Library. Offered to all mothers and children nursing beyond the first year.
Additional Local Meetings
*Sandy LLL meets the Second Tuesday of each month at 10am (see location above)
*Salt Lake City LLL meets the First and Third Thursday of each month First Thursday @ Sprague Library 10:15am, Third Thursday @ Sweet Library 9th Ave & "F" St., 7pm